Friday, January 1, 2010

The single best piece of advice for college grads

Here’s a thought for everyone donning a cap and gown in 2010 and hoping to one day not just get married, but stay married:


As a study shows, and The New York Times reported, the less people smiled in their yearbook pictures, the more likely they were to later get divorced.

Granted, it’s a “thin slice” study of only 600 people, but it’s one of many related studies, and added up, they create a slice as thick as greek toast.

Another good reminder, as 2010 quickly approaches, that the world belongs to the optimistic. Things may be bad or good, but they will always get better. So much of it depends on how you approach a situation. If you approach it like a yearbook photo, and make sure you’re smiling, when the shutter snaps, you’re on your way.

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