Monday, October 24, 2011

Sliding into the Hall of Fame

You’ve got something people care about when you can create a Hall of Fame for it. All the major sports have one. So does Rock and Roll. And don’t forget Polka and Gospel Music. Astronauts, TV, Insurance, they all got ‘em.

Which would lead some to counter that anyone can put up four walls—or a web site—and salute something they love. And this is true. But if you build it, either digitally or physically, and people come, then it’s probably a good thing that you built it.

Hence, I love the White Castle Hall of Fame, which just announced their most recent inductees, including Constance Huening, a 90-year old who’s been eating Sliders since the 1920’s. If you think it’s easy to get in, consider this:

Since the Hall opened in 2001, from almost 8000 applications, they’ve inducted 80 people. Insert punch line here asking how many of them are still alive…

I’d bet most of them are like Constance Huening, eating a slider on every birthday. Unheralded heroes among the real people of this country. It takes a special kind of person (and a special kind of stomach) to get there.

It also takes a special kind of creative thinking to be a relatively hip and current brand after 90 years in business. Kudos to White Castle for sliding along for decades with basically the same product, and coming up with new ways to stay relevant and intriguing.

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