Friday, May 11, 2012

A feel good story

More than half of this country now believes gay marriage should be legal, and President Obama has put his POTUS stamp on it.

This is not nor will it ever be an op-ed blog, but it’s worth using this subject as a way of talking about how communities form.

Usually there’s a very clear reason why a community is forged. In fact, we at Twist believe there’s four reasons:

A group of  people believe in the brand.
The people in that group have a language of their own that others don’t have.
The brand gives them something.  Could be material, or not.  But there’s an acknowledgement that people in the community are getting something out of it.
There’s a passion inside every member of the community.

We believe those are the pillars of building a community.  But the issue of gay marriage brings up one more reason that’s very clear but totally unproveable:

It makes you feel better.

Watch this three minute video.  One my my all-time favorites, it’s about leadership and the importance of the first follower in forming a movement. 

But if you have three more minutes, watch it with the sound off.  It makes a great point about what it actually feels like to join a community.

President Obama cited “winds of change” for his decision and even talked about the effect his daughters had on his decision.

But sometimes you just know.

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