Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Anybody know what this is?

Well, it’s like a phone, but it doesn’t move. You have to stand near it when you talk to somebody because it’s connected to the wall.

You can make a call where the OTHER person pays for it. Pretty cool, huh?

Does your iphone do that?

You hold that black thing with the wire coming out of the bottom in the middle, kind of level with your cheek, and you talk into the bottom part and listen with the top part.

It’s called the receiver, but if you get mad and hit someone with it, then THEY’RE the receiver.

Does your iphone do that?

Since it’s stationary, you can’t pace around while you talk. And you can’t play games or watch videos or text or Facebook or Tweet. You just have to focus on the conversation and the person you're talking to.

Does your iphone do that?

You may not have ever seen one of these things; they’re pretty rare. Maybe the tech companies will take notice and start making more of them.

You never know.

Keep your eyes peeled.

If you put an Apple logo on it, people might line up for it…

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