Monday, March 26, 2012

A community isn't just about numbers

Mashable reports that Angry Birds Space had 10 million downloads since its release on Thursday.

10 million.

Think of the scare Alfred Hitchcock could’ve put into people with that many birds.

What’s most interesting about it, though, is that while the number seems pretty impressive, thanks to Steve Jobs, and his little buddy Mark Zuckerberg, it just doesn’t knock you over.

Music- (and trend-) hungry people from around the world bought over 100 million ipods in six years.

The numbers always changing, but Facebook users are now estimated at about 650,000,000 worldwide.

The digital world has made numbers a subjective measurement, which has both raised the importance of, and exploded, the idea of connection. And whether its using birds, music, or pictures of each other’s kids, it's more important than ever to find ways to connect people and build communities.

The answer, of course, isn’t in numbers. It’s in finding ways to find like-minded passionate people who will join a conversation and be willing to become active around a brand or an idea.

So keep flying, Angry Birds. You’ve got work to do.

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