Thursday, June 10, 2010

The military giveth, the military borrowith

The Military has given great things to this country, not the least of which being freedom for all of her citizens and pretty much the rest of the free world. So it’s nice to see the military being smart (and humble) enough to look to the most American of all sports for some of their Ideas:

The National Football League (sorry, baseball, just check the numbers).

The US military has over 24 million minutes of video collected by remotely piloted aircraft, ready and waiting to be used to track down the bad guys. But it’s relatively useless because military analysts have no way to search it or know what information it holds.

Enter the NFL, which has “the technology so you can pull an instant replay of every Brett Favre touchdown over his career.” From where did the idea to borrow from the NFL come? It could have come from a Five Star General chilling on a standard issue khaki couch one Sunday afternoon, but I think there was a secret ideation session led by an Army facilitator in a bunker somewhere south of Kandahar.

Either way, some smart person in the military who has probably read A Technique for Producing Ideas understood the value of putting together existing elements to come up with a sparkling new, smart idea. Now if he could only figure out a way to make Instant Replay in the NFL about a hundred times faster.

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