Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The one thing every brand has to do every day.

Create Belief.

Chipotle fans have it.

Apple fans have it.

Obama supporters had it in 2008.

Cubs/Packers/Red Wings/etc fans have it.

All great brands have it. It’s the single solitary most powerful reason why people are brand loyal.

And when you have it, you have gold.

Belief why the most loyal supporters are called fans.

Short, of course, for fanatics.

It comes from great service, product design, taste, philosophy. A series of experiences that a person has with a brand that embeds in that person an unwavering belief bordering on love.

That love is so deep, brands could probably slack for a while and still maintain it. But they won that love by never slacking. So it’ll never happen.

Belief is the rock solid foundation of community. It’s as true for every modern religion as it is for Harley Davidson and Four Seasons Hotels.

How do you earn belief? Stay tuned.

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